Weather Project

The provided SQL code conducts an in-depth analysis of weather temperature data, exploring trends and patterns across various locations and time periods. It retrieves and organizes data from the WeatherData$ table, filtering for specific regions and date ranges. Queries compute average temperatures, identify locations with the highest and lowest temperatures, and analyze temperature variations over time. Utilizing Common Table Expressions and temporary tables, the code calculates rolling averages and aggregates temperature data for visualization. Overall, the SQL code facilitates comprehensive insights into weather temperature trends, aiding in decision-making processes for various industries reliant on weather forecasts and climate patterns.

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Exploratory Data Analysis on World population

The SQL script conducts exploratory data analysis on global population data, providing insights into population trends and patterns across different regions and timeframes. It retrieves and organizes data from the WorldPopulation$ table, filtering for specific demographic information and date ranges. Queries compute population growth rates, identify regions with the highest and lowest population densities, and analyze demographic changes over time. Utilizing Common Table Expressions and temporary tables, the script calculates aggregate population statistics and trends for visualization. Overall, the SQL code facilitates a comprehensive understanding of global population dynamics, aiding decision-making processes in areas such as urban planning, resource allocation, and social policy development.

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The provided SQL code conducts a comprehensive analysis of COVID-19 data, focusing on death counts, infection rates, and vaccination progress across locations. It retrieves and organizes data from the CovidDeaths$ and CovidVaccinations$ tables, filtering for non-null continents and specific location patterns. Queries calculate death and infection percentages, identify locations with the highest death counts and infection rates, and summarize global COVID-19 numbers. Utilizing Common Table Expressions and temporary tables, the code computes rolling counts of vaccinated individuals per location. A view is created to facilitate later visualizations. Overall, the SQL code enables detailed insights into COVID-19 trends to inform strategic decision-making processes.

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Other Projects

These are some other projects I built using Excel, Python, SQL.

Data Science Job

Project is about cleaning data science jobs dataset

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Data visualization

Trends Of Threatened Species

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